EMDR stands for Eye Movement Densensitisation Reprocessing and is a proven method of psychotherapy to help people recover from trauma related issues, including PTSD.
Reasons to seek out EMDR can include but are not limited to
- Poor sleep- Insomnia
- Flashbacks
- Emotional reactions that feel overwhelming
- Addictions
- Specific traumatic incidents (including RTA)
- Childhood abuse/neglect
- Intense body reactions (any physiological reaction)
EMDR is different to talk therapy and is often sought when people find that long term talk therapy hasn’t effected much change. It uses bi-lateral stimulation to help distressing experiences or memories to move to a part of the brain that stores just the memory, and doesn’t trigger the emotion attached to it.
To decide if this is the best treatment for you, we would meet and discuss your needs. A thorough history is taken in the early sessions. Often longer session (90 mins) are offered for processing.